19 Cute and No-money Ideas to Label the Garden Plants
Spring is that perfect season lets you pay more attention on the garden. Flowers, tress, plants and vegetables…they will give you a lot of joyful time when you are taking care of them. Besides of plants, the garden also require many other unique and creative decorations. A garden path, small fountain or stone bench, they are all nice choices, but a good advice is that do not ignore those small ornaments – just as plant markers or labels we will introduce for you. These cute signs and markers are inexpensive and easy to make by repurposing everyday items like pebbles, wine corks, branches, stamped spoons, cans and even broken terracotta pots…Is it amazing? The more important thing is they will make your gardening work easier or more organized. So you will never forget what your plants are what.
Above Tutorial —-> craftsbyamanda.com
Above Tutorial —-> onehundreddollarsamonth.com
Above Tutorial —-> intimateweddings.com
Above Tutorial —-> simpledetailsblog.blogspot.com
Above Tutorial —-> swallowsheart.blogspot.com
Above Top Tutorial —-> inmyownstyle.com Bottom Tutorial —-> pinandpaper.blogspot.com
Top Image via: hardlyhousewives.com Bottom Image via: themicrogardener.com
Above Tutorial —-> witandwhistle.com
Above Tutorial —-> pagingfunmums.com
Tutorial —-> chatfieldcourt.com
Tutorial —-> handmadeintheheartland.com